Discover the step-by-step program that quickly makes anyone hilarious, without spending hours doing boring writing exercises, bombing jokes on stage (or worse... with strangers), or spending a fortune on private comedy coaching (even if you think you can't be funny).
We can help you …
Write Stand-Up Comedy
Punch-up sitcoms & movie scripts
Improve your improvisational comedy skills
Be funnier in daily life
Corporate Comedian
"I have read many books on comedy, and have taken LIVE courses, so I have absorbed lots of information. And THIS course has a TON of GOLD in it. I work for a few Hollywood studios, so I know how important comedy is to create a successful movie."
"If there was a PhD in Comedy, Jared Volle would have one. Jared takes what seems like simple concepts and blows your mind."
Comedian, Producer
“You're my new hero. This book is a much-needed resource for the thousands of comedians (including me!) who need no-nonsense, practical advice for generating ideas, fine-tuning material, overcoming challenges, developing an original style, and mapping out a career.”
I have been teaching stand-up comedy since 2010 and I actually practice what I preach when it comes to dominating on stage!
I was a finalist at the Great American Comedy Festival and even an opener for comedian Kyle Cease (voted #1 Comedy Central special of 2009).
I’ve performed shows with over a thousand people in the audience! I’ve struggled at open mics in dive bars at 1AM with a handful of drunk audience members and I’ve headlined sold-out shows. I’ve done it all.
Throughout that time, I’ve been obsessed with what makes world-class comedians so much different than struggling open mic comedians.
Ranked #1 Comedy Central Special of 2009
2x New York Times Bestselling Author
Ranked 9th On Billboard's Top Comedy Albums
Seen in "10 Things I Hate About You" & "Not Another Teen Movie"
One of the best dudes I've ever met
Each joke-writing guide starts with a deep dive into exactly how the joke creates humor. We go beyond the "structure" of the joke to see exactly what the audience is responding to so that your punchlines hit the bullseye.
Concrete steps on every step of the writing process, from blank page to polished joke. Watch Jared take killer jokes and break them apart to show you how they were written.
Peer over my shoulder as I go through the entire process, from a randomly generated writing prompt to finished joke.
Best. Course. Ever.
Jared has done his homework. And he’s as sharp as a piece of broken porcelain.
For the beginning comic, just his fundamental advice about memorizing material at the expense of persona is invaluable, but that’s just a start. As a published author with a journalism degree, I can tell you his writing advice is spot on.
But every single presentation and there are close to a 100 with variable lengths, has clear and concise information that will help the pro almost as much as it helps the novice.
For novices, this course is indispensable. For pros, I guarantee Jared’s informative videos are still well worth your time.
Author of Confessions of a Bronx Bookie
The Faster and Funnier program gives you the tools you need to not only become a good comic. It helps you break down the walls we don’t realize we put up for ourselves and harness your craft to become a great comic. If your are serious about becoming a professional comedian then this is a must have.
A lesson that spoke to me the most was having to deal with hecklers. I always felt that my material was strong and could present it well. Hecklers could really throw me off. I would loose focus and or loose the audience because of my reactions. I found out how to deal with hecklers and embrace it into my act as to not loose the audience during my performances. This is one of many helpful concepts you will find in this program.
Comedian, Writer, Actor and creator of Laugh You Bastards.
Faster & Funnier is spot on. I just applied the storytelling techniques and it was soooo much easier to write material. Not only did it help me focus more on how I naturally talk and have conversations, it helped me weave multiple jokes I made for a premise into a more natural cohesive bit. I can’t wait to test this new stuff out next time I get on stage.
See what's inside the book and what topics are covered in depth
Jared shares his unique approach by sharing his answers to some of the most common questions new comedians have. Here are some of the nuggets you’ll discover in the very first module:
What does it take to be a comedian?
What can you talk about on stage?
How long does it take to write comedy material?
Discover the fastest way to "Git Gud"
What can I do if I don't have a place to consistently perform? - Here's how to make great progress in your career ANYWAY!
Learn how to find the comedic style that’s perfect for you! Your material is the foundation of your performance. In this module you’ll find the styles of writing that work best for you and then get to the core of how to develop material that consistently DESTROYS on stage. This module uses your NATURAL sense of humor (you know, the one you’ve been working on since you were a kid) and uniqueness to make your competition completely irrelevant.
Performance Energy Level - Should you talk slow & quiet... or loud and fast? Here's how to choose the delivery style that's right for you.
One-Liner Comedian or Storyteller Comedian? - How to choose the style that's right for you.
3 Types of Humor that all comedy comes from
What options do you have for your comedic style? In this lesson, you'll learn all major styles of stand-up comedian (including alternative stand-up comedy styles)
Demystifying "Comedic Voice" - Finding your comedic voice is WAY more simple than people make it out to be. Here's exactly what we mean by "comedic voice" and why some people find it so confusing. Then we'll take it one step further and show you exactly how to discover your own comedic voice!
Optimize Your Learning - How to find the best balance between writing and performing
Overcoming Stage Fright - An easy, effective way to overcome stage fright so you can get tons of performance experience in a short time
The 3 Pillars Of Great Comedians - What do world-class comedians do differently than all the struggling open-mic comedians? Here's why great comedians connect so well with their audiences & are remembered long after the show.
Mechanical vs. Organic Humor - Which category you fall into determines how far you can go in your career. This isn’t a choice that can be left to chance. Discover exactly what these two types of humor are and how to develop humor that will take you far into the future.
3 keys to writing great comedy - Here's how to make sure that you milk a writing session for all it's worth.
This module introduces you to what makes all jokes the same… great structure! Regardless of which type of joke you’re writing, the structure you learn in this module will help you pack it full of laughs (and even help you diagnose jokes that are underperforming).
Setups – The trap almost EVERY SINGLE new comedian falls into that drains laughter (in fact, it’s probably the OPPOSITE of what you think you should be doing). We’ll identify this laugh-killer and show you exactly how to craft your setup lines to get maximum impact.
How to write punchlines that CRUSH! You don’t need to take a shot in the dark when you know how to structure your punch lines correctly. Get an in-depth analysis of punch line structure, length, and other characteristics and see why some punch lines crush and other bomb. Armed with this information you’ll have a better understanding of punch lines than 90% of the comedians out there.
The trick to writing tag lines– How to take a mediocre bit and turn it into massive laughs! How to organize your set so the audience stays engaged – Use this simple technique to ensure that you’re audience will stay attentive, whether you’re performing for 5 minutes or headlining.
Timing can make or break any performance, but most new comedians don’t think about timing until right before they perform. Discover how to perfect your timing during your writing and use it to create performances that are more engaging to audience.
Your BIGGEST Strength as a Comedy Writer - Ignore this at your own peril!
Writing Progression System - Here's exactly what to do at each step of your comedy career to improve the most!
The Comedy Learning Curve - Here's exactly what to expect each time you "level up" your comedy writing
Each Joke Writing Guide Includes...
Joke Psychology/Theory - Learn how each type of joke creates humor in its own unique way. This gives you a clear target to shoot for when writing your own material.
Step-By-Step Writing Guide - Each joke guide walks you through the entire writing process, from start to finish.
Real-World Examples from stand-up comedy, sketch comedy, sitcoms, movies, & more! We'll deconstruct their entire writing process to show you how you can write hilarious jokes.
Walkthroughs - Jared takes random word prompts and walks you through the entire writing process!
Learn how to write all 12 types of jokes used in comedy!
In this module we’re going to take your newfound writing skills and mass-produce high quality material. Then we’re going to take it one step further: we’re going to sift through your massive amounts of material and find original new ideas to create performances that build momentum and generate laughs you wouldn’t believe were possible in your wildest dreams.
Topic Selection - How to easily find subjects to write about
Managing your topic list - How to make sure you always have comedic inspiration
Overcoming Writer's Block - Discover what causes writer’s block and simple strategies that make it a thing of the past.
The First 10 Minutes - How to get into the comedy-writing zone quickly to boost your productivity
Bit Writing - How to go from a single idea to multiple jokes
Walkthrough Example - Watch Jared riff on an idea to find comedic opportunities
I’ve got jokes… now what? In this module we take your collection of jokes and shape it into a real comedy performance.
First Time Performers - Here's how to have an amazing, unforgettable experience on stage
Off-Stage Testing - Techniques comedians use to get good feedback on new jokes and comedic stories
Organizing a Set - Exact steps for taking your new jokes and organizing them into a performance the audience will love.
The quick-and-dirty guide to putting your material on stage, getting quality feedback, and using that feedback to improve your writing.
Preparing for a performance – Ground zero for staying in control on stage is being prepared. Discover the two different strategies of preparing for a performance and which one you should use (hint: it depends on the situation).
Performance Tips - Here's how to keep calm and have fun on stage
Audience Feedback - What lessons can you learn from the audience?
Rewriting Your Material - Exact steps on how to rework your material after a show. Discover the most important questions to ask yourself that help you identify weak points and turn them into strengths. You’ll also discover which audience variables should be considered whenever you’re reviewing your show.
How to make MASSIVE PROGRESS in your writing skills in a short time
Course #2
Playfully Inappropriate
Storytelling Structure shows you how to write comedy the same way you naturally tell funny stories
Add an entirely new tool to your comedy toolbox: comedic storytelling! Playfully Inappropriate introduces an alternative to joke-writing that makes it incredibly easy to come up with hilarious stories that sound so natural that you can even use them off-stage!
Writing with Comedic Conflict is fun and easy - Use 1 strategy to write any type of joke
Get one drop-dead simple way to write hilarious punchlines! This method of coming up with funny punchlines is so fast, you can even use it for improvisational comedy!
No boring brainstorming techniques
Bring the fun back into writing comedy! Playfully Inappropriate throws away the boring brainstorming techniques and shows you exactly how to write hilarious stories using your natural sense of humor. This means you never have to "feel" like you're writing ever again because you'll be your natural, playful self.
Works for stand-up, improvisational comedy, sketch comedy, screenwriting, and more.
Playfully Inappropriate uses a radically new approach to writing comedy. Instead of focusing on joke-structures, Playfully Inappropriate teaches you how to quickly generate punchlines in any situation using your natural sense of humor.
There are smart people and then there is Jared Volle. If there was a PhD in Comedy Jared Volle would have one. In his book Playfully Inappropriate, Volle takes what seems like simple concepts and blows your mind. He helps decipher what makes a joke work and how you can constantly and with great accuracy make it work with every joke you write. There is no doubt that by reading this book (several dozen times) will improve your comedy and comedy writing to the point that it becomes a superpower.
Playfully Inappropriate by Jared Volle is blooming marvelous as my cockney forefathers would say. There is an old saying that goes “Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process.” Jared Volle manages to dissect humour and offer a theory as to why we laugh and then explains how to apply it to your own stories, it's the bloody holy grail! Stop reading this now and just buy it seriously I can't say anymore, why are you still here?
Course #3
Tapping Your Comedy Muse
This simple and easy-to-follow guide will show you exact steps to supercharge motivation, tap your Comedy Muse, and squeeze every drop of comedy juice out of your writing time so you can quickly develop a headliner-length performance in a fraction of the time.
Course #4
Faster & Funnier: Performance Guide
What's Inside...
Module 1: Venue Guide
Open Mics – Different Types of Mics, How to Find Them, & How To Approach Bookers
Open Mics: Understanding Open Mic Audiences & How They Differ From Booked Show
Booked Shows: Time Requirements, Bringing Your “A Game,” & Booker Politics
Strategies For Performing Awkward-Shaped Rooms
Strategies for Bars, Corporate Work, Outdoor Gigs, & Cruise Liners
Module 2: Unstoppable Stage Presence
Storytelling Technique – Standing Out From Other Comedians & Becoming Memorable
Storytelling Technique – Avoiding a Hacky Comedian Persona
Preparation: How to Be on the Top of Your Game & Developing Stage Comfort
Creating Comedic Tension – Timing, Pauses, & Pacing
Performance Energy Level – Being Congruent With Your Material & Persona
Filler Words: How to Use Them to Build Rapport
Distractor Lines: Creating a Conversational Feel On Stage
First Impressions: Your Intro & Confidence Level
Module 3: Unstoppable Stage Presence
Audience Dynamics: How the Audience Relates to Itself
Engaging the Audience, Breaking Down the 4th Wall, & Being “Real” with Audiences
Handling Interruptions, Maintaining Audience Trust, & Segueing Back to Material
Hecklers: 3 Strategies For Dealing With Hecklers
Combating Hecklers & Coming Out As “The Good Guy”
4 Ways of Maintaining Control of an Inattentive Audience
How to Recover From a Bad Joke While Maintaining Rapport With the Audience
Using a Bombed Show to Take Your Career to the Next Level
Analyzing a Bombed Show: Discover What Audiences Are Trying To Tell You
Course #5
Creativity For Comedians Audio Program
We all know that the size of your fan base directly effects how much money you make it your career. Highly creative comedians draw monumental crowds TO THEM with little effort. Audiences always have (and always will) be drawn to the most creative comedians out there. It doesn't matter how naturally funny you are, if you're not HIGHLY creative, you'll always struggle to build a fan base.
There's no better feeling in comedy than when audience members come running to you after a show to tell you why your material got them laughing so hard.
Highly creative people aren't "lucky." They're able to consistently get amazing results. This program reveals the secrets of some of the greatest comedians of all time: Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Steve Martin, Rodney Dangerfield, and many more!
Once you learn how to take control of your creativity, you'll no longer be waiting for ideas to come to you. You'll have an actionable plan for how to setup the perfect story or find the perfect punchlines.
This program makes finding creative inspiration so easy, it's (almost) unfair. Apply the strategies from this program and you're biggest problem will be figuring out which ideas are best!
Don't let your best ideas die a slow death. Learn strategies to tease out creative "ah-ha" moments and help them grow into amazingly creative ideas.
Why listen to Jared about creativity?
Maybe because he's the world's leading expert on comedian creativity. Jared graduated with a Master's in Creativity & Innovation from Drexel University where he did extensive research on creativity inside stand-up and improvisational comedy.
Take action today and claim immediate access to all our comedy courses. Watch the videos, absorb the lessons…even try out some of these secrets when you’re writing more material. If you don’t think this is the most impactful stand-up comedy training on the planet that’s going to help you put you over the top in the world of stand up comedy then let me know and I’ll offer you an immediate refund. It could be for any reason…or absolutely NO reason at all. If you don’t like the color of my socks, you just happened to wake up on the wrong side of the bed or whatever. Here’s what this means to you: there’s no way you can make a mistake here. Either you’ll absolutely be bowled over regarding this course…or you can request a refund.
Pretty straightforward don’t you think?