To Our Entire Suite of Online Comedy Courses, Videos, Downloadable PDFs, eBooks, Audio Programs, and Bonuses!
Over 20 hours of online comedy training videos and MP3s
Faster & Funnier: Writing Course - A beginner-friendly joke writing guide. Includes all joke writing guides and writing walkthroughs.
Playfully Inappropriate: Comedic Storytelling Course - Learn how to tell engaging stories on or off-stage using your natural sense of humor.
Faster & Funnier: Performance Guide - Strategies to dominate your next performance.
Stage Fright Guide - Strategies to eliminate stage fright.
Creativity For Comedians - Become unique and memorable to the audience with these 6 simple steps.
Tapping Your Comedy Muse - Master Creative Flow and the 8 Factors of Achievement
BONUS: Compilation Videos - Compilation videos focusing on the best openers, best 1 linters, dealing with hecklers, perfect pauses, and more.
If there was a PhD in Comedy, Jared Volle would have one. Jared takes what seems like simple concepts and blows your mind.
James Creviston, Clean Comedy Podcast Host
Faster & Funnier is spot on. I just applied the storytelling techniques and it was soooo much easier to write material
Davincey Moore
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